CPR Roofing & Flooring in Wilmington, NC

How to Protect Hardwood Floors from a Christmas Tree (Felt Pads, Anyone?) brand

How to Protect Hardwood Floors from a Christmas Tree

  • Add a drain tray underneath your Christmas tree stand.
  • Use a Christmas tree stand to ensure water and sap stay away from the floor. Don't forget to protect the flooring from the stand! Be sure to add felt pads to the feet of the stand if you're placing it on the hardwood. 

When bringing a Christmas tree home, keep the following tips in mind to protect your floors from being damaged.

1. Clean your floors first.

Before you bring your tree home, make sure you clean the floors where your tree will be sitting. This ensures that there is no debris around to scratch the floor.

2. Place felt pads on the bottom of your tree stand. 

This will keep your floors from getting scratched and makes it easier to move your tree stand around.

3. Place an additional barrier between the tree stand and the floor. 

A towel or small mat is just another way to protect your floors from scratches, spills, and sticky sap!

4. Shake loose needles out before bringing your tree in the house.

Nobody likes cleaning up more pine needles than they have to.

5. Keep your tree well-watered, but not overfilled. 

Christmas trees lose fewer pine needles when they have enough water. Just be sure you don't spill and make a mess!

6. Use a tree skirt to jazz things up.

The above tips will protect your floors, but they aren't exactly fancy. Get a nice tree skirt to cover everything up and make your tree more festive!

7. Don't refinish until after the holidays.

If you're thinking about refinishing your old floors or getting new ones. consider waiting until after the holidays when your tree has been taken down!

Protect floor from tree sap